Pregnancy – A Love/Hate Relationship

4 Things I Loved About Being Pregnant

  1. The Pampering: I believe one of the most pampered beings in this world would be pregnant women – and rightly so! What with all the crazy things that are happening to your body and mind, one could do with some – or lots of- pampering indeed. Especially if you are an Indian woman, blessed with a large and supportive extended family, honestly there is no dearth of pampering. From delicious dishes made especially for you to strangers giving up their seats in public transport for you, I did almost feel like a queen during their pregnancy. Everything goes for a toss post-baby though when the centre of attention shits to the new arrival – but that’s a different discussion altogether!

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Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Off To School!

The little one has started nursery! It is a nice and cheery place near our home with some sweet staff, brightly lit interiors and lots of nosy kids! Initially I was somewhat apprehensive about sending her – she has never really been away from me for too long and never with anyone apart from close family. She’s nearly 2 and I suppose some people might feel that it is a tad early to send her off, especially with me being a stay-at-home-mom for now. However, I felt that she really needed to mix and mingle with other little kids. Back in India she has always been surrounded by a host of people – grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins etc…. But over here it was just her and me, all day every day. Most times, her dad leaves to work even before she is up and usually comes back home late and tired. So the onus of entertaining her and keeping her occupied throughout the day fell on me and frankly, I did feel that I needed a break. Continue reading